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Role Models for Inclusion LIVE - Retail

The second webinar in the series will hear from role models in Retail sharing their career journeys and experiences, including how they got to where they are today and the challenges they faced along the way. You’ll get the chance to ask them questions, seek advice and learn from our inspiring role models to help you progress your own career.

Travel Weekly Inspiring Women Retreat 2024

Athens, Greece

This exclusive retreat, hosted by the Greek National Tourism Organisation, aims to inspire women from the travel industry through networking, mentoring, and discussions. It builds on the success of Travel Weekly’s past events for women in travel.


Contrata a las mejores ponentes, conferencistas y expertas de liderazgo para tu evento.Somos la agencia de conferenciantes con los mejores conferencistas que hablan sobre el empoderamiento y el liderazgo femenino. Contamos con un amplio catálogo de presentadores de eventos, ponentes para conferencias y expertos en liderazgo, feminismo y negocios. Las charlas de nuestras ponentes tratan acerca de lo crucial que es la diversidad en las empresas y cómo el liderazgo de las mujeres genera un cambio social positivo.

Programa de Empoderamiento y Liderazgo para Mujeres. Liderar a otras personas

Mediante la ejecución de este programa de empoderamiento y liderazgo femenino, se busca otorgar a las mujeres herramientas que les permita reconocer su propio poder para superar las barreras sociales, económicas y empresariales, con las que se pueden encontrar en su futuro en el ámbito personal y sobretodo, en el laboral. Dicho programa consta de 3 cursos a los que las mujeres pueden acceder de manera independiente, en cada uno de los cuales se les otorgarán herramientas específicas. En este curso de Liderar a otras personas las mujeres tomarán conciencia conocerán los estilos de liderazgo que más se ajusta a su persona, con el fin de que puedan desarrollarlo en su ámbito laboral (y generalizar al personal) incrementando de este modo su desempeño laboral actual o futuro.

Level 6 Certificate in Sustainable Tourism Destinations

An innovative 12 week programme proven to make 'Sustainability' make sense for businesses in your destination...Empower the businesses in your destination to feel confident in the area of sustainability and climate action

Inspiring Sustainable Tourism COnference

This will be the second ever held Conference on Inspiring Sustainable Tourism, it will involve an agenda full of inspiring speakers and workshops

13th Annual Business Tourism Conference

The Association of Irish Professional Conference Organisers (AIPCO) is a non-profit organisation that is the premier professional association for conference organisers in Ireland. Our association is committed to raising standards of service among its members and other sectors of the meetings industry by means of continuing education and interaction with other professionals.

SEAI Webinar - Supports available

Dublin, Ireland

Join us for this free hour webinar where we will be joined by Alison Donnellan from SEAI to discuss training and financial supports available for businesses. Alison Donnellan is a Programme Executive on the Business Supports team at SEAI, she works together with SMEs across all sectors, guiding them on their journeys towards a greener future. Leveraging her previous experience working with Irish businesses and her academic background in International Development with a focus on Sustainable Development, Alison empowers businesses to become energy efficient and decarbonise their business

Women’s Leadership Summit - Europe 2024

Amsterdam, Netherlands , Netherlands

A leadership-focused event targeting women executives and aspiring leaders, offering discussions on leadership development, gender equality, and diversity initiatives in business.

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