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Be inspired by 9 stories from across Europe.
The We Lead Inspiring Women Leaders in Tourism Compendium
is an interactive guide full of rich media resources and additional learning links that lead to a deeper,
self-guided learning opportunity. The global community is realising how critical it is for WOMEN to participate in leadership positions. The UN has cited “ensuring women’s full & effective participation & equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision making in political, economic & public life” as Sustainable Development Goal 5. These Role models are important to help facilitate transformative change.
This Good Practice Compendium offers stories from women leaders within tourism in the countries participating in the We Lead Erasmus+ project. By sharing stories from women engaged in different leadership roles within tourism we hope to both inform and inspire future female leaders as well as creating awareness within the sector about the importance of women’s leadership in reaching the goals of sustainable and climate-responsible tourism.

Michelle Coughlan 

Susana Conde 

Naiara Malavé

Georgina Howard

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