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The aim of this report is to create a solid knowledge base for the Erasmus+ project We Lead, Women Leadership in Tourism, Leisure & Hospitality, to use as a starting point for teaching material that will also be a component of the We Lead project. The report is mainly a desk-top study, laying out all the concepts and issues and how they link together. It presents a conceptual framework on how the connections between leadership, gender equality, tourism and climate change can be viewed. The report is complemented by our second resource (see the next tab) a best practice compendium where inspirational stories of women leaders in tourism are shared.
This Discovery Report
was created to improve understanding of the status of women in the sector with current statistics, trends, development needs and outlooks. Giving a unique insight into the state of play across Europe and bringing to the forefront of our minds what is in most urgent need of action, helping to steer our educational pathway! By looking at Global statistics and the share that women have of leaderships positions, it becomes clear that paying attention to female leadership in tourism is a worthwhile task from a gender equality perspective, but the topic becomes even more relevant and important when
viewed from the broader sustainability lens. This includes adding the environmental dimension, concerns about climate change and how the sector can move towards more climate-responsible
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