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Mannamót Markaðsstofa landshlutanna verða haldin aftur 16. janúar 2025
Mannamót Markaðsstofa landshlutanna er árleg ferðakaupstefna sem haldin er af Markaðsstofum landshlutanna.

Mannamót markaðsstofanna er kynningarvettvangur ferðaþjónustunnar á landsbyggðinni og tækifæri til að koma á fundum fagaðila í greininni.

Markmið og tilgangur viðburðarins er að skapa vettvang þar sem landsbyggðarfyrirtæki fá tækifæri til að kynna sína þjónustu og vöruframboð fyrir ferðaþjónustuaðilum sem staðsettir eru á höfuðborgarsvæðinu. Ísland hefur mikið upp á að bjóða og Mannamót hjálpa til við að mynda tengsl innan ferðaþjónustunnar. Gestum á Mannamótum gefst kostur á kynna sér það sem mismunandi landshlutar eru að bjóða uppá.

2nd World Net-Zero Summit

This cross-industry event will bring together net-zero and sustainability experts, climate strategists, environmental compliance specialists, and other industry professionals to explore groundbreaking solutions, share remarkable accomplishments in their net-zero journey, and unveil innovative approaches to emission reduction, sustainability, and net-zero action plans. Leading professionals from global brands will attend to share their practical insights on […]

The ITB Berlin Convention

Every year in March, the ITB Berlin travel trade show in Germany gathers over 10,000 exhibitors from up to 180 countries to exhibit their most innovative products and services in the travel industry. ITB Berlin is in fact the world’s biggest travel and tourism trade fair that you cannot afford to miss.

Independent Hotel Show Amsterdam

The trade show was launched in 2012 and is the only business platform dedicated entirely to serve the needs of luxury and boutique hotel owners in the Netherlands. Through this business event’s annual gathering of hoteliers, service providers, and suppliers, the exhibition provides support and educational resources to inspire more than 2,000 independent-thinking luxury and […]

Pricing & Revenue Management Summit

Join us and global executives as we return for our 8th Pricing and Revenue Management Summit in Berlin, Germany on March 13th - 14th. This edition will focus on the latest strategies, trends, and technologies in pricing and revenue optimization, offering deep insights into innovative approaches, practical applications, and future directions for maximizing revenue and […]

FHT Paris – Smart Hotel

The Food Hotel Tech event is the first hospitality trade show of its kind in Paris, France. This event is exclusively dedicated to the latest digital technologies for hotels and restaurants. It is the ideal exhibition for hotel and restaurant owners to meet tech professionals and seek answers to upcoming challenges. There will be more […]

Hospitality Expo 2026

RDS, Dublin, Ireland

Working towards an unparalleled networking event for the Hospitality Industry in Ireland

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