IFTM Top Resa Paris
The IFTM Top Resa Paris event in France is a platform to learn about the latest travel market trends and accelerating business by networking. During and after this diverse travel […]
The IFTM Top Resa Paris event in France is a platform to learn about the latest travel market trends and accelerating business by networking. During and after this diverse travel […]
On 18-20 September 2024 The Norwegian School of Hotel Management at the University of Stavanger, will host the Nordic Symposium 2024 under the theme “The roles of humans and technology in shaping the future”.
Elva Rakel Jónsdóttir framkvæmdastjóri Festu, miðstöðvar um sjálfbærni, heldur tölu um sjálfbærni og mannréttindi í Mannréttindahúsinu, Sigtúni 42, fimmtudaginn 19. september kl. 9:00-10:00.Elva hefur gegnt starfi framkvæmdastjóra Festu frá því í október en var áður hjá Umhverfisstofnun og framkvæmdastjóri umhverfismerki Svansins.
Festa samanstendur af tæplega 200 fyrirtækjum, sveitarfélögum og stofnunum. Miðstöðin hefur það að markmiði að hafa auðgandi áhrif á umhverfi og samfélag.
The main purpose of International Conference on Food Tourism and Sustainability is to bring global industry professionals, experts, academicians, and scholars to discuss their expertise for better collaboration in the field
This event aims to empower women in business and leadership, focusing on economic growth, sustainable development, and women’s leadership in sectors like tourism, health, and education. It offers networking opportunities, […]
To celebrate National Inclusion Week we’re hosting three live sessions with role models across the Hospitality, Travel, Leisure (HTL) and Retail sectors who were recognised in the WiHTL & DiR Role Models for Inclusion Index.
Exploring the theme of RESPONSIBLE AMBITION you can expect stimulating and insightful discussions, thought provoking conversations, challenging perspectives, and inspiring new ideas in the not to be missed Tourism Conference.
A major gathering of women leaders, featuring workshops on leadership development, personal branding, and diversity. This event also includes a pre-conference intensive workshop, offering tools and strategies to foster women’s […]
The second webinar in the series will hear from role models in Retail sharing their career journeys and experiences, including how they got to where they are today and the challenges they faced along the way. You’ll get the chance to ask them questions, seek advice and learn from our inspiring role models to help you progress your own career.