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Masterclass del Círculo de Alt@s Directiv@s y Consejer@s “ Identidad Digital: Cómo ejercer el liderazgo en redes sociales”

En esta sesión, te mostraremos cómo las redes sociales pueden ser una herramienta poderosa para fortalecer tus habilidades de liderazgo y conectarte con tus stakeholders de manera más efectiva. A través de ejemplos prácticos y casos de éxito, descubrirás cómo puedes utilizar estas plataformas para mejorar la transparencia, cercanía y conexión con tu audiencia.

Claves para comunicar bien y que nos lean y escuchen

Exploraremos las claves para comunicar con impacto y lograr que nos lean (¡y escuchen!). Desde la diferencia entre «hablar o escribir bien» y «comunicar bien», hasta trucos para redactar correos que capten la atención y enfrentar exposiciones en público con confianza, este evento será un viaje hacia una comunicación más efectiva y persuasiva.

Travelling for Work: Ensuring Safe and Inclusive Experiences for LGBTQ+ Colleagues

In an increasingly globalised world, work-related travel has become an integral aspect of many businesses and ensuring the safety and inclusivity of colleagues during these trips is paramount. This webinar will uncover the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ travellers and other marginalised groups, and the actions employers can take to implement robust policies and practices to protect their colleagues.

Rise & Lead Summit 2024

The Hague, Netherlands , Netherlands

A two-day event featuring senior executives and thought leaders discussing DEI trends, leadership strategies, and business development. The summit focuses on accelerating women’s journey to leadership roles and includes interactive workshops, keynote speeches, and networking opportunities.

IFTM Top Resa Paris

The IFTM Top Resa Paris event in France is a platform to learn about the latest travel market trends and accelerating business by networking. During and after this diverse travel trade show, the participants will have the opportunity to maintain their network and meet new buyers from France and the rest of the world. With […]

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