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Sustainable Living Summit: How you can act for change

Policymakers, businesses, consumers, academics, educators… We welcome everyone to save the date and get in on the action as we share an inspiring day and final event in the Sustainable Living programme. Making sustainable choices can be easy – if we work holistically and across sectors to accelerate the transition in a joint effort.
We have invited speakers from a number of key sectors and research fields to showcase solutions, policies, and guidelines for how to contribute to sustainable lifestyle choices. You can expect research results, political debate, networking opportunities, entertainment and workshop activities throughout the day. Full programme and guest speakers will be announced very soon.

Hotel360 Expo London

The Hotel360 Expo event is connecting the industry’s most ambitious professionals with the solutions, services and innovations they need to achieve excellence and stay ahead of the curve.

Jornada de Inteligencia Emocional con Lorena Lichardi

Es fruto de la colaboración con Woman Leader y Lorena Lichardi, coach de autoimagen para el emprendimiento.Se trata de una Charla abierta sobre Inteligencia Emocional. Es perfecta para ti si quieres emprender con una base sólida, confianza y seguridad. Lorena nos presentará también un programa de acompañamiento único e innovador, muy centrado en la persona, que TRANSFORMARÁ tu vida personal y profesional.

III Sustainable Destinations Summit

The Summit will bring together leading experts and high-level decision-makers from across the tourism industry and allied sectors. This gathering aims to facilitate a robust exchange of cutting-edge ideas, successful strategies and impactful experiences. Our goal is to spearhead the transformation of tourism into a significant force for global good.

Arctic Circle

Arctic Circle is the largest network of international dialogue and cooperation on the future of the Arctic and our Planet. It is an open democratic platform with participation from governments, organizations, corporations, universities, think tanks, environmental associations, indigenous communities, concerned citizens, and others. It is nonprofit and nonpartisan.

Premio Mujer y Liderzago


European Collaboration for Smart and Sustainable Cultural Tourism Destinations

Dublin, Ireland

The conference aims to explore major challenges, risks and opportunities for smart, sustainable and responsible tourism development related to culture and heritage assets, as well as suggest practical steps for the development and promotion of cultural tourism products. The theme encompasses all forms of culture, including contemporary cultural expressions, all forms of cultural heritage and smart solutions

All Ireland Sustainability Awards 2024

La Mon Hotel & Country Club, Belfast

This event celebrates exceptional efforts in promoting sustainable and eco-friendly practices across various industries, including tourism. Awards will be given in categories such as Sustainable Tourism & Hospitality Initiative, Energy Initiative, and Biodiversity Initiative.


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