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World Travel Market London

The World Travel Market London introduces international travel buyers to more than 5,000 global destinations and brands. This event is the hub of travel concepts and connects leading travel providers […]

WTM Travel Technology Show

WTM Travel Technology Show gathers over 250 technology solution providers and 7,000 travel executives for 3 days to hold open debates and benefit from networking opportunities. This event is unique […]

The WiHTL & DiR Inclusion Summit

We're thrilled to announce that the WiHTL & Diversity in Retail Inclusion Summit is back and will be our biggest ever!
Join over 700 peers from across the industry as we explore the crucial theme: "Measuring the Business Impact of Inclusion" on Tuesday 5th November, at the spectacular Indigo at the O2.

Tourism and Hospitality Research in Ireland Conference (THRIC)

Dingle Skellig Hotel, Dingle, Co.Kerry, Ireland , Ireland

This conference will welcome stakeholders including tourism businesses, academics, policy makers, destination management organisations, tourism bodies, climate leaders and local authorities. Over two days attendees will consider strategies for, and examples of, a more holistic, balanced approach to tourism development, which will deliver net positive benefits for businesses, communities and the environment.

International Luxury Travel Market Cannes)

This event provides the perfect opportunity to meet luxury travel experiences. It opens the doors to an established international community of elite travel buyers. At the ILTM Cannes (International Luxury […]

Neurodiversity Bitesize Workshop Series

We'll be hosting three bitesize workshops on the topic of neurodiversity, with the aim of providing practical guidance on supporting and empowering neurodivergent colleagues to create neuro-inclusive workplaces.

World Climate Risk Summit

This hybrid event will bring together climate risk professionals, sustainability experts, risk managers, stress testing specialists and top technology providers from various industries to discuss solutions to achieve a high-performing […]


Naturen er truet, og vores fundament vakler. Mere end halvdelen af verdens BNP afhænger af naturens ressourcer, og som virksomhedsledere må vi se risikoen i øjnene og tage ansvaret på os. Vi kan træffe valg nu, som er afgørende for fremtiden. Gøre en positiv forskel, som skaber mere bæredygtige løsninger, der kan styrke og fremtidssikre vores natur og dermed også understøtte virksomheders vækst.
Vi inviterer til inspiration, dialog og debat om danske virksomheders arbejde med natur, og hvordan du i din virksomhed kan gå struktureret og målrettet til opgaven. Med afsæt i internationale rammeværker vil du få ideer til at lægge en strategi, skabe ledelsesmæssig forankring, håndtere risici, sætte ambitiøse mål og følge op med data og transparent rapportering.

Programmet byder på spændende indlæg og paneldebat med førende eksperter og erhvervsprofiler indenfor dansk erhvervsliv og fra den globale scene. Vi ser på fremtidens udfordringer og præsenterer konkrete løsninger, du kan tage med hjem som inspiration.

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